Common Orlando Car Accident Injuries

Orlando car accident injuries can harm victims in various different ways and impact their lives forever. When people are harmed by the negligence and carelessness of other drives, the law gives victims legal recourse to hold wrongdoers accountable and recover compensation for damages.

After suffering an accident, victims and their families may have serious questions about their legal rights and what direction to turn. Orlando auto accident attorneys can aid auto accident victims in their time of need and handle the legal aspects of a lawsuit while victims focus on healing and recovery.

Types of serious auto accident injuries

The most devastating injuries from car crashes have long term implications for victims and touch their families’ lives forever. Types of car crash injuries that can cause devastating medical conditions may include:

  • Brain injuries – Brain injuries range from severe to mild but often have debilitating effects on victims. Types of injuries can include concussions, hypoxic, anoxic, and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries – The spinal cord is a cord of nerves traveling down our spines sending electrical impulses throughout our body. Severing the spinal cord in a car crash can cause paralysis in various degrees.
  • Neck injuries – The severe forces of impact may cause car accident victims’ necks to whip back and fourth in a violent manner. Whiplash is a common side effect of car accidents, causing severe mobility problems for victims.
  • Broken bones – Fractures to the pelvis, fibula, and tibia may leave victims with prolonged recovery periods and rehabilitation. While victims are unable to walk, lost income may take a serious toll on them and their families.

How to car accident injuries impact victims?

The impact of car accidents can have far reaching consequences on those harmed by careless drivers. Damages include monetary and emotional implications, including:

  • Economic damages – Car crash victims may incur huge medical bills, hospital expenses, and physical therapy costs can quickly pile up. Furthermore, the down time from work can lead to lost wages and make paying back medical bills even more difficult.
  • Noneconomic – The emotional toll of going through the accident and being unable to take part in once daily activities can leave victims with deal anguish. The physical pain and suffering of a crash, surgery, and rehabilitation may also have an impact on victims.

Recovering for damages of car crashes

The law gives auto accident victims legal avenues to recover compensation for damages incurred by negligent drivers. In Florida, drivers’ injuries are usually covered by their own car insurance.

However, injuries resulting in disability or visible scarring may allow victims to hold the other driver and their insurance companies liable. Negligent parties and their powerful insurance companies may often attempt to downplay auto accident injuries in an attempt to provide as little monetary compensation as possible.

Orlando auto accident attorneys

If you or a loved one suffered an injury in an auto accident, contact a qualified Orlando auto accident attorney about your case. Attorneys can aid victims and their families get the compensation for their injuries and seek justice.

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