What to Do With Insurance Money after a Florida Car Accident?

In Florida, around 400,000 traffic accidents occur each year. In fact, in 2019, the state of Florida reported 3,183 auto accident deaths. As the state’s population expands, so does the number of accidents that occur each year. Each year, less than one percent of automobile accidents in Florida are deadly.

If you get into a Florida car accident and submit a claim with your insurance company, you will most likely get a check for your losses. This money will be used to repair or replace your car if needed. However, who owns the car will determine whether you may keep or spend the money.

Before reporting a car accident to your insurance carrier, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer. Your insurance company, like any other large corporation, is focused on making money, and whatever you say to them might be used to lower the value of your claim. As a result, you should be as vague as possible while informing them.

This is why we strongly suggest you to at least take advantage of our free consultation. This way, you can obtain some free, no-strings-attached information and advice on what your best line of action is from an experienced personal injury lawyer. Accident law in Florida is complicated and difficult to comprehend, so having an experienced attorney on your side may make things a lot simpler.

What Does Your Insurance Plan Call for After a Florida Car Accident?

Sometimes insurance providers have policies that require you to utilize it for the reason it was intended. Some providers may send the check to the repair business directly, which means you won’t be able to cash it. It also depends on whether you own the automobile, have a loan on it, or have a lease on it.

If you have a lease, it is preferable to make the repairs since you will have to return the car, and you may be charged to cover the repairs if you do not.

If you have a car loan, you will almost certainly be required to complete the repairs. This is due to the fact that your lender demands you to maintain full coverage on your vehicle in order for it to retain its worth. Plus, if you have a car to drive, you’re more likely to keep up with your car payments.

Furthermore, if you have a vehicle loan, the lender is likely to be identified as the insured party, which means they may be eligible for reimbursement. If this is the case, the insurance company will split the payment between the two of you. Before paying the payment, they may need them to sign off on the repairs.

The insurance company may offer you a check if the automobile is totaled, which occurs when the cost of the repairs exceeds a percentage of the automobile’s worth. You’ll use it to pay off the debt in this situation. It’s yours to spend if there’s anything left. Some insurance companies may let you pay off the vehicle and then buy it back for a modest fee. It generally has a title that has been salvaged.

If you own the automobile involved in your Florida car accident, you have complete control over how you spend your check.

If It’s Possible, Should You Keep the Check?

If you own the car and your insurance company permits you to spend the money however you want, you might be concerned about the danger of spending it on something else. If the damages were only superficial, you may be not concerned about repairs. If your car has suffered any engine or mechanical damage, it is advisable to get it fixed. It’s dangerous to drive the vehicle in such a condition, otherwise.

How to Get Compensation to Repair Your Vehicle After a Car Accident?

You may need to consult with a car accident lawyer if your insurance company does not provide you enough money for repairs, even though your policy covers them, or if your injuries exceed the amount provided. Other possibilities for obtaining the money you require to pay the costs of your vehicle’s repairs may exist.

Contact Us:

Have you or a loved one been seriously injured in a Florida car accident? Allowing the medical expenses to pile up while you wait for the irresponsible person or their insurance company to do the right thing is a recipe for disaster. You need an aggressive personal injury lawyer on your side right now, fighting for the reimbursement you need, desire, and deserve. Throughout Florida, our experienced attorneys assist individuals who have been injured in a car accident.

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