Options for Covering Medical Costs after a Florida Accident

Accidents leave a devastating impact on your life. Along with pain, several medical costs after a Florida accident are involved. Paying medical bills becomes troublesome when you are suffering from pain, you have other debts and you are facing a financial burden due to the accident.

You need to be completely aware of the techniques that can be applied to repay the medical bills; especially when you are living in Florida. It is evident when you suffer injuries from an accident you would want to relax in a comfortable environment and solely focus on your recovery. Paying medical and hospital bills should not be the first thing to think about. If you constantly worry about the bills, you will add up stress and anxiety to your existing medical condition thus making the entire recovery process difficult.

However, the majority of people consider it to be a big issue after an accident. Working with a professional attorney will solve your concerns. Your attorney will provide you with options best suitable according to your case. The options ensure that you receive the medical care you need without stressing about the financial burden. Hiring an attorney provides you the additional benefit of putting your case on the right track.

Auto Policies & Coverage of Medical Costs after a Florida Accident:

In 2019, the total number of medically consulted injuries rose to 4.5 million. The auto policies protect the victims through car insurance that covers up to $25,000 medical costs after a Florida accident. The insurance payment depends upon the law of the state where you live.

Fault States:

In fault states insurance is paid after analyzing the extent of fault and misconduct by each party.

No-Fault States:

In no-fault states, the parties involved in the accident turn to their insurance companies for compensation. The parties do not sue each other; instead, they apply for an insurance policy under personal injury protection (PIP). Florida is a no-fault state, you are required to utilize PIP policy and give up on the possibility to sue the other party.

Medical Pay:

Medical pay is not required by the law of Florida. However, drivers can purchase medical pay. PIP initially covers the medical bill whereas medical pay is used to cover the remaining medical amount. PIP covers up to $10,000. In case of severe injuries, you may need a higher amount to pay for medical bills. Medical pay can only be utilized to pay off medical expenses.

Your Health Insurance Provider:

If you fully utilize the car insurance amount, some states allow your private health insurance provider to pay off some expenses. However, the bills remaining after insurance payment are the liability of the injured person.

If you have sustained serious injuries and you are unable to work, it becomes extremely difficult to manage the financial burden. You might be scared to lose your job due to the injuries. You may not remain eligible for insurance as you get insurance through work. You may get worried about the payment of bills since you can’t receive the medical care you need for recovery because you don’t have substantial funds to pay for the medical expenses. Don’t worry; there are options available.

Contingency Medical Billing:

An attorney can assist in finding a medical provider who bills on a contingency basis. This focuses on delaying the medical payments until a settlement is reached. The amount of medical expense is reimbursed to the medical care provider once a settlement is reached.

An experienced attorney will add up any future medical expense in settlement along with current medical care costs so that you won’t suffer more than you already have.

Responsibility for Covering Medical Costs:

You may need a specialist for your injury who does not follow contingency-based payments. In this situation, you may seek a personal loan or litigation fund. These loans are provided against the future settlement that you will receive. However, these loans are expensive to repay.

If you are unable to pay medical costs after a Florida accident you won’t be able to get treatment for your injuries, leading to long-term damages to your health. This will also damage your credit rating for future loans. Your attorney might be able to negotiate a payment agreement with debt collection agencies or help you in delaying the billing process. The payment process can become very complicated and stressful.

Our personal injury attorney will guide you through various options that can support you in paying medical bills. We ensure that you receive the claims you deserve.

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